The Hypothesis of Success

I’m 36, 37 is very near and I want to change myself. I want to be a better me. What that means? Let me to express it in some unusual way. I have math background; I never was a great mathematician nevertheless I want to do it in this manner. So, I have the hypothesis:

∀ σ ∈ Σ, σ >N,fF : f(t) = σ

For any σ as metric of success from set of all successes Σ and greater than N exists the function f from the set of all possible actions F that fulfill the requirement that f of t (time) equals to σ. So, for any success exists the set of actions that will bring you to this success. It might sound obvious (and does not require prove as every success was reached with the set of actions [some f]) but for me it’s easy and short way to write it down and keep it in my mind.

What the set of actions it will be? I think everyone know that he or she should do to be better: e.g. read more, eat healthier food, play sports and spend own time with more sense. I can call myself as successful person, I have a great job in the great company, and I have perfect family. I’m doing my job well but there’s always the field for improvement. E.g. I know that I can improve my knowledge in SQL optimization. Will it drive me to better me? Yes. Do I do it? Not really, because there’s always something more important and after all-important things, I get tired to spend extra time on SQL.

From the other hand we’re living in the world of big numbers: if you’ll put few thousands monkeys in front of Linux and give them infinite time eventually, they will develop Windows. Hence, we have another requirement: function f should reach σ with min of t. Exactly this requirement make all the difficulties in finding the solution. Without it e.g. we have σ = [one million dollars in bank account] so to solve this we can work in any job and deposit $100 every month. We’ll get to the goal just in 833 years.

What I’m trying to do is to find the set of actions that will bring me to the success and better me in the shortest period of time. After defining the hypothesis, I still don’t have the plan. And I understand that my function f should have extra limitations e.g. I’m not ready for the risk of going to jail or spoil someone’s life. But I need extra time to think about it. I’ll put my further thoughts to the tomorrow’s post.

What about you? Do you have any ideas related to the hypothesis you want to share?

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